- Application of Signal Processing and Artificial intelligence to defect and abnormality detection
- Application of Signal Processing and Artificial intelligence to Agriculture
Since 1988 Prof. Ayşın Ertüzün is with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Boğaziçi University where she is currently a full professor. Dr. Ertüzün’s research activities focus on statistical signal processing and she specifically works on estimation, detection and object tracking problems. She is also interested in texture analysis and pattern recognition. She is affiliated with the Boğaziçi Signal and Image Laboratory (BUSIM) and Intelligent Systems Laboratory (ISL). She has authored and co-authored scientific papers in journals and conference proceedings on topics such as particle filters and Bayesian signal processing, alpha stable distributions, independent component analysis, texture defect detection and pattern recognition, application of statistical methods to defect detection problem, deconvolution and source separation, wind speed prediction, image denoising, 2-D lattice filers, adaptive signal processing, higher order statistics, wavelets and their applications. She is a member of IEEE Signal Processing and Communication Societies, IAPR –International Association of Pattern Recognition, IEICE – The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers and TOTIAD – Turkish Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Society and on the editorial board of “Signal Processing” journal. She was the vice rector in charge of research between November 2016 and January 2021.