Graduate Students

- Ruslan Muslumov (2022), Simple section biset functors.
- Mert Sevinis, PhD (2019), The fibered Burnside ring of a fusion system.
- Mehmet Arslan, PhD (2018), Composition factors of the functor of the complex characters.
- İbrahim Kaan Arslan (expected Summer 2023)
- Mustafa Akdağ (expected Summer 2023)
- Said Yılmaz (2022), Projective representations of finite groups.
- Doğa Ulaş Budak (2021), Relative endotrivial modules.
- Ebru Beyza Küçük (2019), Complex representations of finite general linear groups.
- Ayçin İplikçi (2019), Mackey functors and fusion systems.
- Turan Karakurt (2018), Modular representations of GL(2,p).
- Gözde Sert (2018), A survey on endo-trivial modules.
- Mustafa Türköz (co-advisor with T. Turgut) (2017), Self-adjoint extension theory of singular interactions.
- Ruslan Muslumov (2017), Green biset functors and representation rings.
- Irmak Balçık (2016), On simple modules over the section burnside functors.
- Deniz Yılmaz (2015), The fibered p-biset functor of the fibered Burnside rings.
- Zehra Bilgin (co-advisor with A. Boysal) (2012), On quotients of Hom-functors.