

Published Papers

How to De-reserve Reserves: Admissions to Technical Colleges in India (joint with Bertan Turhan), 2023, Management Science, 69(10): 6147-6164. Extended Abstract appears in EC'22 Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Economics and Computation, 2022, 956-957.

Kıt Kaynakların Paylaştırılması: Talepler Problemi Literatürü Üzerine Bir İnceleme (with Sinan Ertemel and Burak Dogan), 2023, Anadolu Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 23(3), 989-1004. 

Priority Design for Engineering Colleges in India (joint with Bertan Turhan), 2023, Indian Economic Review, 58: 5-15

College Admissions with Multidimensional Privileges: The Brazilian Affirmative Action Case (joint with Inacio Bo), 2021, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 13(3): 1-28

Dynamic Reserves in Matching Markets (joint with Bertan Turhan), 2020, Journal of Economic Theory, 188: 105069

Large Scale Affirmative Action in School Choice: Admissions to ITTs in India (joint with Bertan Turhan), 2017, American Economic Review P&P, 107(5): 210-213

Matching with Contracts: Comment (joint with Tayfun Sönmez), 2013, American Economic Review, 103(5): 2050-2051


Media Coverage on Affirmative Action in India

Challenges of Executing EWS Reservation Efficiently (with Bertan Turhan and Bumin Yenmez), December 2022, Ideas for India (I4I)

Improving Admissions to Technical Colleges in India (with Bertan Turhan and Bumin Yenmez), December 2022, Ideas for India (I4I)


Media Coverage on Affirmative Action in Brazil


Affirmative Action's Unintended Consequences (by Chris Fleisher), August 2021, AEA Research Highlights,

Quota Student Has a Higher Cut-off Score than Non-quota Student in 25% of Sisu Courses (A. Pinho, R. Hernandes, and D. Yukari), May 2022, Folha De S.Paulo

Researchers Defend New Algorithm in Sisu So As Not to Harm Quota Holders (A. Pinho), May 2022, Folha De S.Paulo

Designing Markets (R. Zeidan), April 2023, Folha De S.Paulo

Affirmative Action in Brazilian Universities (Inacio Bo), August 2023, Al Roth's Market Design Blog


Working Papers

Affirmative Action in India via Backward and Forward Transfers (joint with Bertan Turhan)

Placement with Assignment Guarantees and Semi-Flexible Capacities (joint with Günnur Ege Bilgin)

Affirmative Action in India: Restricted Strategy Space, Complex Constraints, and Direct Mechanism Design (joint with Bertan Turhan)

The Over-and-Above Implementation of Reserve Policy in India (joint with Bertan Turhan)

Matching with Contracts: Critical Role of Irrelevance of Rejected Contracts (joint with Tayfun Sönmez)

The Importance of Irrelevance of Rejected Contracts in Matching under Weakened Substitutes Conditions (joint with Tayfun Sönmez)


Work in Progress

Preserving Priorities in the Case of the Re-Placement of Medical Residents in Turkey (joint with Günnur Ege Bilgin)

An Alternative Scholarship Allocation Design in University Placement System in Turkey


Funded Projects

"The Effect of Student Placement Mechanism on Intergenerational Education Mobility" funded by TUBITAK

"Verimli Pozitif Ayrımcılık Tasarımı" funded by TUBITAK

"Dynamic Reserves in Matching Markets with Contracts: Theory and Applications" funded by BAP Boğaziçi University

"Preserving Priorities in Re-Placement Problem" funded by BAP Boğaziçi University