Full paper list is available on Google Scholar.
- Metin, Serdar, and Can Özturan. "Quantized and Simulated Max-min Fairness in Blockchain Ecosystems." (2022), techrxiv.org.
- Metin, Serdar, and Can Özturan. "Max–min fairness based faucet design for blockchains." Future Generation Computer Systems (2022).
- C. Özturan, . Barter Machine: An Autonomous, Distributed Barter Exchange on the Ethereum Blockchain. Ledger, 5. 2020, https://doi.org/10.5195/ledger.2020.148 (open review is also available here.)
- B. Kılıç, C. Özturan and A. Sen, A Cluster Based System for Analyzing Ethereum Blockchain Transaction Data, 2020 Second International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA), 2020, pp. 59-65.
- A. Alimoğlu and C. Özturan, "Design of a Smart Contract Based Autonomous Organization for Sustainable Software," 2017 IEEE 13th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), 2017, pp. 471-476.
Graph Algorithms:
- Kara, Gökçehan, and Can Özturan. "Parallel network simplex algorithm for the minimum cost flow problem." Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 34, no. 4 (2022): e6659.
- Gökçehan Kara and Can Özturan. 2019. Algorithm 1002: Graph Coloring Based Parallel Push-relabel Algorithm for the Maximum Flow Problem. ACM Trans. Math. Software, 45, 4, Article 46 (December 2019), 28 pages.
- Sözdinler, M., & Özturan, C., Finding Maximum Edge Biclique in Bipartite Networks by Integer Programming. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) (pp. 132-137). IEEE, 2018.
- Can Özturan, "On finding hypercycles in chemical reaction networks." Applied Mathematics Letters 21.9 (2008): 881-884.
Parallel Scientific Computing:
- Hatipoglu, Bilal, and Can Ozturan. "Parallel triangular mesh refinement by longest edge bisection." SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37, no. 5 (2015).
- Soner, S., and Ozturan, C. (2015). Generating multibillion element unstructured meshes on distributed memory parallel machines. Scientific Programming, 2015.
- Ervin Ervin Domazet, Can Ozturan, Lale Önsel, Zeynep Eltutar, Parallelization of a Glass Furnace Mathematical Model for Multi-core Systems, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, 2015, Civil-Comp Press.
- Yilmaz, Yusuf, and C. Ozturan. "Using sequential NETGEN as a component for a parallel mesh generator." Advances in Engineering Software 84 (2015)
- Baggag, Abdelkader, Harold Atkins, Can Özturan, and David Keyes. Parallelization of an Object-oriented Unstructured Aeroacoustics Solver. No. ICASE-99-11. 1999.
- Can Özturan, Worst Case Complexity of Parallel Triangular Mesh Refinement by Longest Edge Bisection, ICASE, 1996.
- M.S. Shephard, J.E. Flaherty, H.L. de Cougny, C. Ozturan, C.L. Bottasso, M. W. Beall, Parallel Automated Adaptive Procedures for Unstructured Meshes, AGARD-FDP-VKI Special Course on "Parallel Computing in CFD", held at the VKI, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium, May 1995 and at NASA Ames, USA, October 1995, AGARD Report R-807.