Journal Papers

  1. E. Cil, I. V Soares, D. Renaudeau, R. Lucas, S. Dumanli, R. Sauleau, D. Nikolayev,  "On the use of impedance detuning for gastrointestinal segment tracking of ingestible capsules," submitted to IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.07975, 2022.

  2. E. Cil, C. Cadir, O. A. Kati, H. Birkan Yilmaz and S. Dumanli, "Machine Learning-Based Matching Medium Design for Implant Communications," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, doi: 10.1109/TAP.2022.3140497.

  3. K. Godeneli, U. Bengi, O. A. Kati, S. Dumanli, S. Dumanli, "A Wearable Repeater Antenna for Implant Communications, "IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, [under review], submitted on February 2021.

  4. O. F. Sezgen, O. Altan, A. Bilir, M. G. Durmaz, N. Haciosmanoglu, B. Camli, Z. C. C. Ozdil, A. E. Pusane, A. D. Yalcinkaya, U. O. S. Seker, T. Tugcu, S. Dumanli, "In-body Sensing in Application to Multiscale Communications," IEEE Communications Magazine, accepted for publication, submitted on October 2021.

  5. Erdem Cil, Sema Dumanli, “The Design of a Reconfigurable Slot Antenna Printed on Glass for Wearable Applications,” in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2996020.

  6. Sema Dumanli, “A Pattern Diversity Antenna for On-Body and Off-Body WBAN Links,” Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, (2018) 26: 2395 – 2405.

  7. Sema Dumanli, Evangelos Mellios, Xenofon Fafoutis, Geoffrey Hilton, Ian Craddock, “Off-Body Antenna Wireless Performance Evaluation in a Residential Environment,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, vol. 65, pp 6076-6084, issue 11, 2017.

  8. Konstantinos Mimis, David Gibbins, Sema Dumanli, Gavin Tomas Watkins, “The ant and the elephant: ambient RF harvesting from the uplink,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 386-393, Feb 2017.

  9. Konstantinos Mimis, David Gibbins, Sema Dumanli, Gavin Tomas Watkins, “Ambient RF energy harvesting trial in domestic settings,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 9, pp 454-462, issue 5, April 2015.

  10. Sema Dumanli, Chris J. Railton, “Analysis of Coupled Tilted Slot Antennas in FDTD Using a Novel Time Domain Huygens Method With Application to Body Area Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, vol. 60, pp 1987-1994, issue 4, 2012.

  11. Sema Dumanli, Chris J. Railton, “On-body Transmission at 5.2 GHz: FDTD Simulations with Huygens’s Technique,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, vol. 59, pp 3910-3917, issue 5, 2011.

  12. Sema Dumanli, Chris J. Railton, Dominique L. Paul, “A slot antenna array with low mutual coupling for use on small mobile terminals,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, vol. 59, pp 1512-1520, issue 5, 2011.

  13. Sema Dumanli, Chris J. Railton, Dominique L. Paul, Geoff S. Hilton, “Closely Spaced Array of Cavity-Backed Slot Antennas with Pin Curtain Walls,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 5, issue 1, pp. 38 - 47, 2011.

  14. Chris J. Railton, Dominique L. Paul, Sema Dumanli, “The Treatment of Thin Wire and Coaxial Structures in Lossless and Lossy Media in FDTD by the Modification of Assigned Material Parameters,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 48, issue 4, pp. 654 - 660, 2006.