Book Chapters

  • Inflation and the Stock Market: Money Illusion in Borsa Istanbul. 2023. In: U. Akkucuk (Ed.), Managing Inflation and Supply Chain Disruptions in the Global Economy. pp. 24-40. IGI Global. (with H. N. Özsöylev)
  • Does Risk Management Pay Off? Improving Portfolio Returns in Borsa Istanbul via Tail Hedging Using Options. 2021. In: Ertekin, İ, Diker, O, Ural, E, (Eds.) Research & Reviews in Social, Human and Administrative Sciences. pp. 297-311. (with Y. Güneş)
  • Liquidity Risk and Optimal Redemption Policies for Illiquid Investments. 2017. In: Dinçer H., Hacioğlu Ü. (Eds.) Risk Management, Strategic Thinking and Leadership in the Financial Services Industry. pp. 123-141. Springer, Cham.