Click for syllabi.
Spring 2023/2024
Department of Management
AD 411 - Finance for Creative Industries (Undergraduate)
AD 472 - Financial Markets and Institutions (Undergraduate)
Financial Engineering
FE 536 - Risk Management in Financial Institutions (Master's)
Fall 2023/2024
Department of Management
AD 420 - Entrepreneurial Finance (Undergraduate)
AD 613 - Theory of Financial Markets and Instruments (PhD)
Financial Engineering
FE 523 - Investment Analysis and Portfolio Theory (Master's)
Previous Academic Years
Department of Management
AD 466 - Introduction to Financial Derivatives (Undergraduate)
AD 468 - Financial Risk Management (Undergraduate)
Executive MBA
ADEX 504 - Corporate Finance II (Master's)
ADEX 515 - Behavioral Finance (Master's)
Financial Engineering
FE 523 - Fixed Income Securities (Master's)