- GCGT 2024, The 9th Gdansk Conference on Graph Theory (GCGT), June 16-21, Gdansk, Poland, (Invited Speaker)
- WG 2024, 50th International Workshop on Graph Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (PC member)
- CIMPA Research School on Graph Structure and Complex Network Analysis, Program committee Chair, Local Coordinator, Nesin Mathematics Village, Şirince, Turkey, June 4-16, 2023 (Chair OC - Local coordinator). Big thanks to all the lecturers, participants and the awesome employees of the Nesin Mathematics Village to make it a great experience in a wonderful atmosphere for all of us. You can access here all the lecture slides and materials.
- YAEM 2021 OR/IE in the Era of Data - 40th Congress on Operations Research / Industrial Engineering (OC)
- MACIS 2019, Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences 2019 (PC member)
- WG 2019, 45th International Workshop on Graph Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (PC member)
- WG 2016, 42nd International Workshop on Graph Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (Chair OC and PC member)
- SIROCCO 2010, Structural Information and Communication Complexity, Şirince, Turkey (Chair OC and PC)
- Coorganizing yearly the Workshop on Graph Theory and its Applications, WGT I to XI, Istanbul.
- Workshop on Graph Theory and Its Applications WGT-XI on Nov 10-11, 2023. Invited Speakers: Jan Goedgebeur and John Gimbel
- Workshop on Graph Theory and Its Applications-X on October 14-15, 2022. Invited speakers: Bertrand Jouve and Fabio Furini.
- Workshop on Graph Theory and Its Applications-IX on November 1-2, 2019. Invited speakers: Vadim Levit and Sebastian Siebertz.
- Workshop on Graph Theory and Its Applications-VIII on November 9-10, 2018. Invited speakers: Joanna Raczek and Magda Dettlaff
Istanbul Discrete Mathematics Meetings
Linear Algebra Methods for Counting the Number of Perfect Matchings in Graphs, by Afshin Behmaram, September 18, 2019, IMBM
Dominating Induced Matchings in Graphs, by Afshin Behmaram, September 11, 2019, IMBM
Lecture Series on the Probabilistic Method and Extremal Graph Theory, John Gimbel, June 10-11, 2019, IMBM.
Around Cereceda's conjecture, Carl Feghali, April 19, 2019, IMBM
Problems and Results in Kempe equivalence of colourings, Carl Feghali, April 26, 2019, IMBM