- CaRT-2024 Combinatorics and Related Topics, Theory and Computation of the Defective Ramsey Numbers, Invited Speaker, Online Conference jointly organized between Poland and Mexico, 5-7 November 2024. Video
- GCGT 2024, The 9th Gdansk Conference on Graph Theory (GCGT), Defective Ramsey Numbers: Classical Proofs and Computer Enumerations, Invited speaker, June 16-21, Gdansk, Poland.
- Graphs, Groups, and Automata, Computing Defective Ramsey Numbers, May 2024, Feza Gursey Center for Physics and Mathematics, Istanbul.
- Monday with Marty, Online Seminar Series, Extremal Triangle-Free Graphs, Feburary 2024.
- Charles University, KAM, Department of Mathematics and Physics, Seminar Series, Extremal Triangle-Free Graphs, Feburary 2024.
- Koc University, Mathematics Department, Seminar Series, Extremal Triangle-Free Graphs, January 2024.
- National Mathematics Symposium (UMS), Kombinatoryal Optimizasyon, Hesaplama Karmaşıklığı ve Algoritmik Çizge Kuramı, Invited Speaker, 2023, Edirne, Turkey.
- SEA 2023: 21st Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, Integer Programming Formulations and Cutting Plane Algorithms for the Maximum Selective Tree Problem, July 2023, Barcelona
- International Conference on Graph Theory, ICGT 2022, Maximum number of edges in triangle-tree graphs with bounded degree and matching number, July 2022, Montpellier.
- Algorithmic Graph Theory - Mondays with Marty, The Defensive Domination Problem, September 2020
- ''The Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2012 and Matching Theory'', Keynote Lecture
at the 9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, ICORES 2020, Malta, 22-24 February, 2020.
- The 32nd Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, ECCO XXXII, The Defensive Domination Problem, May 30 - June 1, 2019, Malta.
- IMBM Discrete Mathematics Days, 2012 Nobel Prize in Economics and Matching Theory, May 4-5, 2019, Istanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences Center, IMBM, Turkey.
- 50th Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory & Computing, Advances on Equimatchable Graphs, (Special Session "Structured Families of Graphs and Orders: Mathematical and Algorithmic Aspects") March 4-8, 2019, Boca Raton, FL, USA.
- Workshop on Graph Theory and its Applications VIII, The Defensive Domination Problem, November 2018, Istanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences Center, IMBM, Turkey.
- SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Minisymposium speaker, The selective coloring problem, June 4-8, 2018, Denver, CO, USA.
- Princeton Discrete Mathematics Seminars, Invited Speaker, Edge-extremal Graphs Under Degree and Matching Number Restrictions, March 2018, Princeton University, USA.
- Combinatorial Potlatch 2017, Invited Speaker, Recent Results on Equimatchable Graphs, November 2017 University of Victoria, Canada.
- 17th Haifa Workshop on Interdisciplinary Applications of Graphs - CRI, Edge extremal Graphs Under Degree and Matching Number Restrictions, June 2017, Haifa, Ceaseria Research Institute, Israel.
- University of Primorska, Invited speaker, Characterization and Recognition of Stable Equimatchable Graphs December 2016, Koper, Slovenia.
- Workshop on Graph Theory and its Applications VI, Co-organizer, Istanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences Center, IMBM, Turkey.
- International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization GO X, On two extensions of equimatchable Graphs, July 2016, Rigi Kaltbad, Switzerland.
- 3rd Istanbul Design Theory, Graph Theory and Combinatorics Conference, Extensions of Equimatchable Graphs, June 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
- The Caesarea Rothschild Institute, University of Haifa, Invited speaker, Recent Results on Equimatchable Graphs, January 2016, Haifa, Israel.
- Gebze Teknik Universitesi, Invited speaker, Minimum Maximal Matching and Equimatchable Graphs, December 2015, Kocaeli, Turkey.
- Koc University, Invited speaker, Minimum Maximal Matching and Equimatchable Graphs, December 2015, Istanbul, Turkey.
- John Gimbel's Birthday Conference, Defective Ramsey Numbers, Prague, August 2015.
- Algorithmic Graph Theory on the Adriatic Coast, AGTAC, Equimatchable Graphs are C_2k+1-free for k>= 4, June 16-19, 2015, Koper, Slovenia.
- 13th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, CTW 2015, On the Minimum and Maximum Selective Graph Coloring Problems, May 26-28, 2015, Istanbul, Turkey.
- International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization, GO IX, Edge intersecting and non-splitting paths in a grid -Part II :One Bend ENPG, Sirmione, Italy.
- Dagstuhl Seminar 14071 : Graph Modification Problems (by invitation only), Convexity in Graphs, Dagstuhl, Germany. Dagstuhl Reports, Volume 4, Issue 2, Page 44, 2014, available online at DOI: 10.4230/DagRep.4.2.38
- The 28th Ljubljiana-Leoben Graph Theory Seminar, Minimum Maximal Matching: old problem, new challenges, invited speaker, Koper, Slovenia.
- Institute of Industrial Engineering & YAEM 2013, Tabu Search Algorithms for Selective Coloring Problem, Istanbul, Turkey.
- CanaDAM, 4th Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference, Defective Ramsey Numbers, St John's, Canada.
- 2nd Istanbul Design Theory, Graph Theory and Combinatorics Conference, Defective Ramsey Numbers, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- 7th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory, Defective Ramsey Numbers, Bled, Slovenia.
- Dagstuhl Seminar 11182 : Exploiting graph structure to cope with hard problems (by invitation only), A Survey on Polar graphs, Dagstuhl, Germany Dagstuhl, Reports, Volume 1, Issue 5, 2011, available online at DOI: 10.4230/DagRep.1.5.29
- International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization, GO VII, Polar graphs, Ovronnaz, Switzerland.
- YAEM 2010, En küçük maksimal eşleme, uygulamalar ve zorluk, Sabancı University, Turkey.
- SIROCCO 2010, Local organization committee chair, Nesin Matematik Köyü, Şirince, Turkey.
- NoNA Spring School on Algorithms, invited lecturer, Some generalized coloring problems, Istanbul.
- Bergen University, invited speaker, Polar graphs, Bergen.
- Sabancı University, Engineering Faculty, invited speaker, Algorithmic Graph Theory and its Applications, Istanbul.
- Bilkent University, IE, Minimum Maximal Matching - Applications and Hardness, invited speaker, Ankara, October 16.
- Graph Theory 2008, (Carsten Thomassen's 60th birthday), Generalized Colorings with applications to some problems in robotics, Sandbjerg Manor, Denmark, August 17-24.
- TAMC'08, Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, Minimum Maximal Matching is NP-hard in regular bipartite graphs, Xi'an, China.
- Koç University, Engineering Faculty, invited speaker, Graph coloring problems and their applications, Istanbul.
- 3ème Cycle Romand de Recherche Opérationnelle, invited lecturer, Minimum Maximal Matching; applications and NP-hardness, Zinal, Switzerland
- Bosphorus University, Computers Sciences, invited speaker, Generalized colorings in line graphs, Istanbul.
- International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization, GO VI, Covering graphs with cliques and independent sets, Lugano, Switzerland.
- CanaDAM, 1st Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference, Covering graphs with cliques and independent sets, Banf, Canada.
- Bosphorus University, IE, invited speaker, Algorithmic graph theory and its applications, Istanbul, Turkey.
- AGAPE I, Generalized vertex coloring problems and their application to permutation graphs, Paris, France.
- Koç University, invited speaker, Generalized vertex coloring problems and their application to permutation graphs, Istanbul, Turkey.
- International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization, GO V, Polar cographs, Leukerbad, Switzerland
- Sixth Czech-Slovak International Symposium on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Algorithms and Applications, Polar cographs, Prag, Czech Republic.
- Congrès ROADEF 2006, On the approximation of Min Split-coloring and Min Cocoloring, Lille, France.
- The Fifth ALIO/EURO Conference on Combinatorial Optimization, Split-coloring permutation graphs, Paris, France.
- 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms, and Combinatorics, GRACO'2005, (p,k)-coloring line graphs, Angra Dos Reis, Brasil.
- les quatrièmes journées francophones de recherche opérationnelle, FRANCORO IV, Algorithmes d'approximation et algorithmes séquentiels sur les problèmes de (p; k)-coloration, Fribourg, Switzerland.
- Bilkent University, invited speaker, On generalizations of graph coloring problems, Ankara, Turkey.
- EURO Summer Institute - Optimization and Data Mining, Partitioning cographs into cliques and stable sets, Ankara, Turkey.
- Mathématiques Discrètes et Sciences Sociales -EHESS, invited speaker, Problèmes de (p,k)- partitionnement, Paris, France.
- ROADEF Ecole d'Automne, On Split Coloring Problems, Tours, France.
- First Joint Operations Research Days, IBM Research-The Swiss Operations Research Society, On Split Coloring Problems, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- EURO-INFORMS, Approximation preserving reductions among set covering and vertex covering hierarchies via differential approximation ratio, Istanbul, Turkey.