
ResearchMy research interests are in the general area of digital communications. Specific areas of interest are molecular communications, novel wireless communication standards (including visible light, cellular, and satellite communications), physical layer security, machine learning applications in signal processing, error control code design and analysis, data storage systems, reliable circuit design, optimization problems in wireless communications, signal localization, and wireless communications security.

You can find an up-to-date list of my publications here and on my Scholar profile.

Research projects

  • Design and implementation of molecular communication systems using index modulation, PI, TUBITAK 1001 Research Grant, 2020-2023.
  • On the design and analysis of advanced SNR estimation techniques, PI, Bogazici University Research Fund Grant, 2019-2020
  • Optimization-based algorithms to design QC-LDPC codes without small harmful structures in digital communication systems, Researcher, Bogazici University Research Fund Grant, 2018-2019
  • On the design of high-performance molecular communication networks, PI, Bogazici University Research Fund Grant, 2017-2018
  • Integrated CMOS receiver system for high speed visible light communication, Researcher, TUBITAK 1001 Research Grant, 2017-2020
  • Modelling diffusion in vessel-like environments for molecular communication and healthcare applications, Researcher, TUBITAK-NRF Research Grant, 2017-2019
  • Wireless security in cyber physical systems, Researcher, TUBITAK-BMBF Research Grant, 2017-2020
  • Design and analysis of communication systems with high error correction capability through optimization, Researcher, TUBITAK 1001 Research Grant, 2013-2016
  • Design of low-complexity spatially-coupled channel coding systems, PI, TUBITAK 3501 Research Grant, 2012-2014
  • Advanced coding techniques for mitigating error floors, PI, European Union - FP7 Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant, 2010-2014
  • On the design of polar coded communication systems with high error performance, PI, Bogazici University Research Fund Grant, 2011-2012