Dergi Makaleleri

  1. Metin, B.; Özhan, F.G.; Wynn, M., (2024) Digitalisation and Cybersecurity: Towards an Operational Framework. Electronics Vol. 13, No. 21  pp. 4226. (SCIE)
  2. Mutlutürk, M, Wynn, M, Metin, B. (2024) Phishing and the Human Factor: Insights from a Bibliometric Analysis. Information, Vol. 15, No. 10, pp. 643. (ESCI)
  3. Metin, B.; Duran, S.; Telli, E.; Mutlutürk, M.; Wynn, M. (2024) “IT Risk Management: Towards a System for Enhancing Objectivity in Asset Valuation that Engenders a Security Culture”, Information,  Vol: 15, No. 55, (ESCI)
  4. Mutluturk M., Metin B., (2023) “Mapping The Phishing Attacks Research Landscape: A Bibliometric Analysis And Taxonomy”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol: 101, No: 21 (Scopus).
  5. Ozdemir S., Wynn M., Metin B, (2023), “Cybersecurity and Country of Origin: Towards a New Framework for Assessing Digital Product Domesticity”, Sustainability, Vol: 15, No: 1, pp. 87, (SSCI) 
  6. Metin, B., Basaran, Y., Cicekoglu, O. (2022), "MOSFET-C Current Mode Filter for Secure Communication Applications", AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol: 143.
  7. Kor, B., Metin, B. (2021), "Understanding Human Aspects for an Effective Information Security Management Implementation", International Journal of Applied Decision Science, Vol: 14, No: 2, pp. (SCOPUS).
  8. Metin, B., Basaran, Y., Herencsar, N., Faseehuddin, M., Cicekoglu, O. (2022), "Mosfet-C Transimpedance Filters With Central Frequency Tunability Feature", International Journal of Electronics (Accepted for publication) (SCIE) .
  9. Cevik, I., Metin, B., Herencsar, N., Cicekoglu, O., Kuntman, H. (2021), "Transimpedance type MOS-C bandpass analog filter core circuits", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol: 106, No: 3, pp. 543-551 (SCI) .
  10. Metin, B., Herencsar, N., Kledrowetz, V., Cicekoglu, O. (2019), "MOS-only voltage-mode all-pass filter core suitable for IC design", AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol: 110, pp. 1-7 (SCI) .
  11. Metin, B., Cicekoglu, O., Ozoguz, S. (2018), "A class of MOSFET-C multifunction filters", Analog Integrated Circuits Signal Processing, Vol: 97, No: 1, pp. 5-13 (SCI) .
  12. Atasoyu, M., Metin, B., Kuntman, H., Cicekoglu, O. (2017), "Simple Realization of a Third Order Butterworth Filter with MOS-only Technique", International Journal of Electronics and Communications, AEU, Vol: 81, pp. 205-208 (SCI) .
  13. A. Uygur,, Metin, B., Kuntman, H., Cicekoglu, O. (2016), "Current mode MOSFET-only third order Butterworth low pass filter with DTMOS tuning technique", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (ALOG), Vol: 89, pp. 645-654 (SCI) .
  14. Jerabek, J., Dvorak, J., Sotner, R., Metin, B., Vrba, K. (2016), "Multifunctional current-mode filter with dual-parameter control of the pole frequency", Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol: 16, No: 3, pp. 31-36 (SCIE) .
  15. Arslan, E., Pal, K., Herencsar, N., Metin, B. (2016), "Design of Novel CMOS DCCII with Reduced Parasitics and its All-Pass Filter Applications", Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, Vol: 22, No: 6 (SCIE) .
  16. Arslan E., B. Metin B., Ciceokoglu O. (2015), "MOSFET-Only Multi-Function Biquad Filter", AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol: 69, pp. 1737-1740 (SCI) .
  17. Atasoyu, M., Metin, B., Kuntman, H., Herencsar, N. (2015), "New Current-Mode Class 1 Frequency-Agile Filter for Multi Protocol GPS Application", Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, Vol: 21, No: 5, pp. 35-39 (SCI) .
  18. Sotner R., Herencsar N., Jerabek J., Vrba K., Dostal T., Jaikla W., Metin B. (2015), "Novel first order all-pass filter applications of-z-copy voltage differencing current conveyor", Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, Vol: 53, pp. 537-545 (SCIE) .
  19. Metin, B., Herencsar, N., Koton, J., Horng, J. W. (2014), "DCCII-Based Novel Lossless Grounded Inductance Simulators with No Element Matching Constrains", Radioengineering, Vol: 23, No: 1, pp. 532-539 (SCIE) .
  20. Koton, J., Herencsar, N., Vrba, K., Metin, B. (2014), "Voltage-mode multifunction filter with mutually independent Q and x0 control feature using VDDDAs", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (ALOG), DOI 10.1007/s10470-014-0323-z., Vol: 81, pp. 53-60 (SCI) .
  21. Safari, L., Minaei, S., Metin, B. (2014), "A low power current controllable single-input three-output current-mode filter using MOS transistors only", AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol: 68, No: 12, pp. 1205-1213 (SCI) .
  22. Yildirim, T., Metin, B. (2014), "Critical Information processes", ISACA Journal, Vol: 2, No: 2014, pp. SCOPUS.
  23. Metin, B., Herencsar, N., Cicekoglu, O. (2013), "A Novel MOSFET-RC All-pass Filter for Low Voltage Operation", Radioengineering, Vol: 22, No: 4, pp. 985-994 (SCIE) .
  24. Arslan, E., Metin, B., Kuntman, H., Cicekoglu, O. (2013), "MOS-only second order current-mode LP/BP filter", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (ALOG), Vol: 74, No: 1, pp. 105-109 (SCI) .
  25. Arslan, E., Metin, B., Cicekoglu, O., Morgul, A. (2013), "High Performance CMOS CCI in a 0.35µm CMOS technology and a New All-Pass Filter Application", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Vol: 21, pp. 1584-1594 (SCIE) .
  26. Yildirim, T., Metin, B. (2013), "Convenient Quality Control for IT Governance-aware Enterprises", ISACA Journal, Vol: 1, No: 2013, pp. SCOPUS.
  27. Metin, B., Herencsar, N., Vrba, K. (2012), "A CMOS DCCII with a Grounded Capacitor Based Cascadable All-pass Filter Application", Radioengineering, Vol: 21, No: 2, pp. 718-724 (SCIE) .
  28. Metin, B. (2012), "Canonical Inductor Simulators with Grounded Capacitors Using DCCII", International Journal of Electronics, Vol: 99, No: 7, pp. 1027-1035 (SCIE) .
  29. Metin, B., Pal, K., Cicekoglu, O. (2012), "A New Approach for High-Input Impedance in Voltage Mode Filters Using First-Generation Current Conveyor in Place of Second-Generation Current Conveyor", International Journal of Electronics, Vol: 99, No: 1, pp. 131-139 (SCI) .
  30. Herencsar, N., Lahiri, A., Koton, J., Vrba, K., Metin, B. (2012), "Realization of Resistorless Lossless Positive and Negative Grounded Inductor Simulators Using Single ZC-CCCITA", Radioengineering, Vol: 21, No: 1, pp. 264-272 (SCIE) .
  31. Arslan, E., Metin, B., Herencsar, N., Koton, J., Morgul, A., Cicekoglu, O. (2012), "High Performance Wideband CMOS CCI and its Application in Inductance Simulator Design", Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering (AECE), Vol: 12, No: 3, pp. 21-26 (SCIE) .
  32. Metin, B., Pal, K., Cicekoglu, O. (2011), "All-pass Filters Using DDCC and MOSFET Based Electronic Resistor", International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol: 39, No: 8, pp. 881-891 (SCIE) .
  33. Metin, B., Herencsar, N., Pal, K. (2011), "Supplementary First-Order All-Pass Filters with Two Grounded Passive Elements Using FDCCII", Radioengineering, Vol: 20, No: 2, pp. 433-437 (SCIE) .
  34. Metin, B. (2011), "Supplementary Inductance Simulator Topologies Employing Single DXCCII", Radioengineering, Vol: 20, No: 3, pp. 614-618 (SCIE) .
  35. Metin, B., Pal, K., Cicekoglu, O. (2011), "CMOS Controlled Inverting CDBA with a New All-pass Filter Application", International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol: 39, No: 4, pp. 417-425 (SCIE) .
  36. Kacar, F., Metin, B., Kuntman, H., Cicekoglu, O. (2010), "A New High Performance CMOS Fully Differential Second-Generation Current Conveyor with Application Example of Biquad Filter Realization", International Journal of Electronics, Vol: 97, No: 5, pp. 499-510 (SCI) .
  37. Metin, B., Minaei, S. (2010), "Parasitic Compensation in CCI-based Circuits for Reduced Power Consumption", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol: 65, No: 1, pp. 157-162 (SCIE) .
  38. Metin, B., Pal, K. (2010), "New All-Pass Filter Circuit Compensating for C-CDBA Non-Idealities", Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers, Vol: 19, No: 2, pp. 381-391 (SCIE) .
  39. Kacar, F., Metin, B., Kuntman, H. (2010), "A New CMOS Dual-X Second Generation Current Conveyor (DXCCII) with a FDNR Circuit Application", AEUE International Journal of Electronics and Communication, Vol: 64, No: 8, pp. 774-778 (SCIE) .
  40. Metin, B., Cicekoglu, O. (2009), "Component Reduced All-pass Filter with a Grounded Capacitor and High Impedance Input", International Journal of Electronics, Vol: 96, No: 5, pp. 445-455 (SCIE) .
  41. Metin, B., Pal, K., Minaei, S., Cicekoglu, O. (2009), "Trade-off in the OTA Based Analog Filter Design", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol: 60, No: 3, pp. 205-213 (SCIE) .
  42. Metin, B., Arslan, E., Minaei, S., Cicekoglu, O. (2009), "Dual Output Filter Topology With a Single NIC for Frequency Sensitive Application", International Journal of Electronics, Vol: 96, No: 7, pp. 699-710 (SCIE) .
  43. Metin, B., Pal, K. (2009), "Cascadable Allpass Filter with A Single DO-CCII and A Grounded Capacito", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol: 61, No: 3, pp. 259-263 (SCIE) .
  44. Metin, B. (2008), "On the Advantage of Floating Serial RL Simulators in Ladder Filter Implementations", Electronics World, Vol: 114, No: 1863, pp. 46-47 (SCIE) .
  45. Metin, B., Pal, K., Cicekoglu, O. (2007), "All-Pass Filter for Rich Cascadability Options, Easy IC Implementation and Tunability", International Journal of Electronics, Vol: 94, No: 11, pp. 1037-1045 (SCIE) .
  46. Metin, B., Yuce, E., Cicekoglu, O. (2007), "A Novel Dual Output Universal Filter Topology Using a Single Current Conveyo", Electrical Engineering (Archiv fur Elektrotechnik), Vol: 89, No: 7, pp. 563-567 (SCIE) .
  47. Metin, B., Minaei, S., Cicekoglu O. (2007), "Enhanced Dynamic Range Analog Filter Topologies with a Notch/All-pass Circuit Example", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol: 51, No: 3, pp. 181-189 (SCIE) .
  48. Metin, B., Cicekoglu, O. (2006), "A Novel Floating Lossy Inductance Realization Topology with NICs Using Current Conveyors", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II, Vol: 5, No: 6, pp. 483-486 (SCIE) .
  49. Yuce, E., Minaei, S., Metin, B (2005), "Comments on 'Electronically Tunable Current-mode Second-order Universal Filter Using Minimum Elements", Electronics Letters, Vol: 41, No: 8, pp. 453 (SCIE) .
  50. Yuce, E., Metin, B., Cicekoglu, O. (2004), "Current-mode Biquadratic Filters Using Single CCIII and Minimum Numbers of Passive Elements", Frequenz, Vol: 58, No: 9-10, pp. 225-228 (SCIE) .
  51. Metin, B., Toker, A., Terzioglu, H., Cicekoglu, O. (2003), "New All-Pass Section for High Performance Signal Processing with a Single CCII-", Frequenz Journal of Telecommunication, Vol: 57, No: 11-12, pp. 241-243 (SCIE) .
  52. Metin, B., Cicekoglu, O. (2003), "Tarmy-Ghausi (TG) Circuit Suitable for Higher Frequency of Operation", Frequenz Journal of Telecommunication, Vol: 57, No: 7-8, pp. 168-171 (SCIE) .

    Ulusal Makaleler
  53. Metin, B., Erkan, S., Atasu, İ., Yılmaz, E. (2019), "Privacy Impact Assessment as a Tool for GDPR Compliance Preparation", Kişisel Verileri Koruma Dergisi, Cilt: 1, Sayı: 2, ss. 75-86.