Journal Articles

35- Giovanni Volpe, et al.  “Roadmap for Optical tweezers 2023,” J. Phys. Photonics (2023).

34- Antonio Ciarlo, Giuseppe Pesce, Fatemeh Kalantarifard, Parviz Elahi, Giovanni Volpe, Antonio Sasso, “Intracavity feedback Optical Trapping”, Il Nuovo Cimento C., 45 (6), (2022).

33- Fatemeh Kalantarifard, Parviz Elahi, Ghaith Makey, Onofrio M. Maragò, F. Ömer Ilday, Giovanni Volpe, Intracavity Optical Trapping”, Nat. Commun., 10 (1), 2683 (2019).

32- Ghaith Makey, Özgün Yavuz, Denizhan K. Kesim, Ahmet Turnal, Parviz Elahi, Serim Ilday, Onur Tokel, Ömer Ilday, “Breaking crosstalk limits to dynamic holography using orthogonality of highdimensional random vectors”, Nat. Photon.  13, 251 (2019).

31-Parviz Elahi, Hamit Kalaycioglu, Önder Akçaalan, Cansu Ertek, Koray Eken, F. Ömer Ilday, “High-power Yb-based all-fiber laser delivering 300-fs pulses for high-speed ablation-cooled material removal,” Opt. Lett., 43, 535 (2018).

30-(Invited paper) Hamit Kalaycıoğlu, Parviz Elahi, Önder Akçaalan, and F. Ömer Ilday, “High-repetition-rate ultrafast fiber lasers for material processing,” IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum. Electron., 24, (2018).

29-Parviz Elahi, Hamit Kalaycıoğlu, Önder Akçaalan, and F. Ömer Ilday, “Burst-mode thulium fiber laser delivering femtosecond pulses with 1-GHz intra-burst repetition rate,” Opt. Lett., 42, 3803 (2017).

28-Parviz Elahi, Hamit Kalaycıoğlu, Huihui Li, Önder Akçaalan, and F. Ömer Ilday, “175 fs-long pulses from a high-power single-mode Er-doped fiber laser at 1550 nm,” Opt. Commun. 403, 381 (2017).                                  

27-Onur Tokel, A Turnali, Ghaith Makey, Parviz Elahi, Serim Ilday, Tahir Çolakoğlu, Emre Ergeçen, Özgün Yavuz, René Hübner, Mona Zolfaghari Borra, Ihor Pavlov, Alpan Bek, Raşit Turan, Serhat Tozburun, F Ömer Ilday, “In-chip microstructures and photonic devices fabricated by nonlinear laser lithography deep inside silicon,” Nat. Photon.  11, 639 (2017).

26-Can Kerse, Hamit Kalaycıoğlu, Parviz Elahi, Barbaros Çetin, Denizhan K Kesim, Önder Akçaalan, Seydi Yavaş, Mehmet D Aşık, Bülent Öktem, Heinar Hoogland, Ronald Holzwarth, Fatih Ömer Ilday, “Ablation-cooled material removal with ultrafast bursts of pulses,” Nature, 537(7618), 84(2016).

25-(Invited paper) Can Kerse, Hamit Kalaycıoğlu, Parviz Elahi, Önder Akçaalan, and F Ömer Ilday. “3.5-GHz intra-burst repetition rate ultrafast Yb-doped fiber laser,” Opt. Commun.  366, 404 (2016).                             

24-Amira Tandiroviç Gürsel, Parviz Elahi, F. Ömer Ilday, and Mustafa Sadettin Özyazici, “Theoretical analysis of doping management and its effects on power scaling,” Turkish J. of Elec. Engin.  Comp. Sci., 24, 2336 (2016).

23- Erçağ Pinçe, Sabareesh KP Velu, Agnese Callegari, Parviz Elahi, Sylvain Gigan, Giovanni Volpe, Giorgio Volpe, “Disorder-mediated crowd control in an active matter system,” Nat. Commun. 7, 10907 (2016).

22-Sinem Yilmaz, Parviz Elahi, Hamit Kalaycioglu, and F. Ömer Ilday, “Amplified spontaneous emission in high-power burst-mode fiber lasers,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 32, 2462 (2015).

21-Kutan Gürel, Parviz Elahi, Levent Budunoglu, Çağrı Senel, Punya Paltani, and F. Ömer Ilday, “Prediction of pulse-to-pulse intensity fluctuation characteristics of high power ultrafst fiber amplifiers,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 1111 (2014).

20-Parviz Elahi, Sinem Yilmaz, Burak Eldeniz, and F. Ömer Ilday, “Generation of picosecond pulses directly from 100-W, burst mode, doping-managed Yb-doped fiber amplifiers,” Opt. Lett, 39, 236 (2014).

19-Parviz Elahi and Marjan Ebrahimi, “ Analytical investigation of thermal stress in enemal and dentin under CW and pulsed Er:YAG solid-state laser ,”  EPJ AP , 65, 20102 (2014).

18-Parviz Elahi, Sinem Yilmaz, Önder Akçaalan, Hamit Kalaycioglu, Bülent Öktem, Çağrı Senel, F. Ömer Ilday, and Koray Eken, “Doping management for high-power fiber lasers: 100 W, few-picosecond pulse generation from an all-fiber-integrated amplifier,” Opt. Lett., 37, 3042 (2012).


17-Parviz Elahi and Samaneh Morshedi, “Calculation of temperature distribution and thermo-optical effects in double-end-pumped slab laser,” J. Eng. Phys. Thermophys., 84, 1224 (2011).

16-Parviz Elahi and Bita Farsi, “ The analytical calculation of temperature distribution of dentin under pulse Er:YAG laser radiation,”  EPJ AP , 51 , 20701 (2010).

15-Parviz Elahi and Samaneh Morshedi, “The double-end-pumped cubic Nd:YVO4 laser: Temperature distribution and thermal stress,” Pramana-J. Phys. 74, 67 (2010).

14-Parviz Elahi and B Farsi,”The analytical evaluation of temperature distribution in dentin under a pulse Er:YAG laser radiation and investigation of pulse energy and pulse duration on it,” Laser in Medicine , 6, 1 (2009).(Persian Language).

13-Abdolrasoul, Gharaati, Parviz Elahi and Majid Jafari, “Calculation of temperature distribution in eccentric multi core diode pumped fiber lasers by Green function method,” Acta Phys.  Pol. A., 116, 566 (2009).

12-Parviz Elahi and Ali Niakowsari, “The analytical calculation of temperature-dependent propagation constant, V no. and wave guide dispersion in super-Gaussian diode-pumped fiber lasers,” Acta Phys.  Pol. A., 116, 525 (2009).

11-Parviz Elahi and Naser Zare, “The analytical solution of rate equations in end-pumped fiber lasers with minimum approximation and temperature distribution during the operation,” Acta Phys.  Pol. A., 116, 522 (2009).

10-Fatemeh Kalantarifar, Hamid Nadgaran, and Parviz Elahi, “The analytical and numerical investigation of thermo-optic effects in double-end-pumped solid state lasers”, International Journal of Physical Science (IJPS), 4, 369 (2009).

9-Parviz Elahi and Marjan Ebrahimi,” The analytical investigation of thermal stress in dentin and enamel under CW Er:YAG laser radiation,” Laser in Medicine ,  6,  (2009). (Persian Language).

8-Parviz Elahi, Bita Farsi, and Mohammad Goodarzi, “The analytical investigation of temperature distribution in enamel under Er:YAG laser radiation,” Laser in Medicine , 5, (2009). (Persian Language).

7-Parviz Elahi, Abdolvahab Taghavi, and Abdolrasoul Gharaati, “The analytical investigation of temperature distribution in off central-diode-pumped lasers,” Pramana- J. Phys. 70, 649 (2008).

6-Abdolrasoul Gharaati, Parviz Elahi, and Somayeh Cari, “Propagation of Spatial Solitons with Nonlinear Kerr Effect in Thermal Medium,” Acta Physica Polonica A., 112, 891 (2007).

5-Parviz Elahi, Hamid Nadgaran, Fatemeh Kalantarifard, “Core temperature in super-Gaussian pumped air-clad photonic crystal fiber lasers compared with double-clad fiber lasers,“ Pramana- J. Phys. 68, 529 (2007).

4-Hamid Nadgaran, Parviz Elahi, “Numerical simulation and analytical description of thermally induced depolarization in diode-pumped laser rods pumped by a super-Gaussian beam,” International Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 2, 215 (2006).

3-Hamid Nadgaran, Parviz Elahi, “The overall phase shift and lens effect calculation using Gaussian boundary conditions and paraxial ray approximation for an end-pumped solid-state laser,” Pramana- J. Phys. 66, 513 (2006).

2-Hamid Nadgaran, Parviz Elahi,” The analytical investigation of thermal, stress and thermo-optic properties of double-clad Yb:glass fiber laser under a super-Gaussian pump source,” Pramana-J. Phys, 65,  95 (2005).

1-Parviz Elahi, Hamid Nadgaran, “The measurement and comparison of the thickness of Harvard and Ariyadent Zinc Phosphate cement with He-Ne laser Interferometer ,” Journal of laser in medicine , 3, 18 (2005).