


Parviz Elahi, Principal Investigator

He received his PhD in Physics, Optics, and Laser, in 2005 from Shiraz University, Iran.  He served as an assistant professor in Iran from 2005-2010, then moved to Ultrafast Optics and Laser Laboratory (UFOLAB) at Bilkent University, Ankara. He joined Physics Department at Bogazici University in 2020.

His research interests include fiber laser development, applications, and intracavity optical trapping.






Emre Hasar, Undergraduate student

Emre is an undergraduate student in the Physics department. His research interest is Yb-doped fiber laser development and applications in food science.








Melih Kayra Kadioglu, Undergraduate student

Melih a freshman student in the Koç University Physics Department. He has been working and studying at the Laser Research Laboratory at Koç University. Now, he is an intern at the Fiber Lasers Laboratory, Boğaziçi University, working on Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Development.








Nusretalp Seven, Undergraduate student

Nusretalp is an undergraduate student in the Molecular Biology and Genetics department. He joined our research group in February 2023. He works on holography and counter-propagating optical tweezers.





Former members



Can Polat

He joined our research group as a MSc student in 2021. Focus detection using machine learning in laser material processing was Can's research interest.





Gizem Nuran Yapıcı

Gizem was a senior student in Physics Department. She joined our research group in 2021. She worked on autofocusing in laser material processing. She is at Universite PARIS-SACLAY, Paris, France.





Aysu Ay, Master's student

 She joined our research group in 2021 and worked on Counter-propagating optical tweezers.