Areas of Interest
- Human-Computer Interfaces and Biometry
- Security: Watermarking, Data Hiding, Anomaly Detection
- Image and Video Processing
- Biomedical Signal Processing
- Communications and Networks
Human-Computer Interfaces and Biometry
- A. Savran, B. Sankur, Non-rigid Registration Based Model-free 3D Facial Expression Recognition, Computer Vision and Image Understanding 162 (2017) 146–165
- A. Savran, B. Sankur, M. T. Bilge, Regression-based Intensity Estimation of Facial Action Units, Image Vision and Computing, 30 (2012), 774-784
- A. Savran, B. Sankur, T. Bilge, Comparative Evaluation of 3D versus 2D Modality for Automatic Detection of Facial Action Units, Pattern Recognition, 45, 767-782, February 2012
- O. Celiktutan, C. Wolf, B. Sankur, E. Lombardi, Fast Exact Hyper-Graph Matching for Spatio-Temporal Data, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, DOI 10.1007/s10851-014-0503-6, 2014
- C. Wolf, E. Lombardi, J. Mille, O. Celiktutan, M. Jiu, M. Baccouche, E. Dellandré, C. E. Bichot, C.Garcia, B. Sankur, Evaluation of video activity localizations integrating quality and quantity measurements, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 127 (2014) 14–30
- O. Çeliktutan, S. Ulukaya and B. Sankur, A Comparative Study of Face Landmarking Techniques, EURASIP J. on Image and Vision Processing, March 2013, doi:10.1186/1687-5281-2013-13
- A. Savran, N. Alyuz, H. Dibeklioglu, O. Celiktutan, B. Gokberk, Bulent Sankur, L. Akarun, Bosphorus Database for 3D Face Analysis, BIOID: European Workshop on Biometrics and Identity Management, Roskilde, Denmark, 2008.
- A. Yüksel, L. Akarun, B. Sankur, Hand Biometry Based on Vein Geometry and Appearance, IET Computer Vision, Vol. 5, Iss. 6, pp. 398–406, 2011
- B. Gokberk, H. Dutağacı, L. Akarun, B. Sankur, Representation Plurality and Decision Level Fusion for 3D Face Recognition, IEEE System Man and Cybernetics, PART B: CYBERNETICS, VOL. 38, NO. 1, FEBRUARY 2008, 155-173, 2008
- H. Dutağacı, B. Sankur and E. Yörük, A comparative analysis of global hand appearance-based person recognition, J. Electronic Imaging, 17(1), 011018/1- 011018/19, Jan-March, 2008
- E. Konukoglu, E. Yoruk, J. Darbon, B. Sankur, Shape-Based Hand Recognition, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 15(7), 1803-1815, 2006
- E. Yoruk, H. Dutagaci, B. Sankur, Hand Biometry, Image And Vision Computing, 24(5), 483-497, 2006.
- O. Aran, İ. Arı, L. Akarun, B. Sankur, A. Benoit, A. Caplier, P. Campr, A. H. Carrillo, F.-X. Fanard, SignTutor: An Interactive System for Sign Language Tutoring, IEEE Multimedia, 16(1), 81-93, January-March 2009
- H.K. Ekenel, B. Sankur, Feature selection in the independent component subspace for face recognition, Pattern Recognition Letters, 25, 1377–1388, 2004
- H.K. Ekenel, B. Sankur, Multiresolution Face Recognition, Image and Vision Computing, 23(5), 469-477, 2005
- M. Reijnders, P. van Beek, B. Sankur, J.C.A. van der Lubbe, Facial Feature Localization and Adaptation of a Generic Face Model for Model Based Coding, Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 7, 57-75, March 1995
Security: Watermarking, Data Hiding, Anomaly Detection
- M. Yamac, M. Ahishali, N. Passalis, J. Raitoharju, B. Sankur, and M. Gabbouj, Multi-level Reversible Data Anonymization via Compressive Sensing and Data Hiding, IEEE Trans. on Forensics and Information Security, 2020
- B. Kurt, C. Yildiz, T. Ceritli, A.T. Cemgil, B. Sankur, A Bayesian Change Point Model for Detecting SIP-based DDoS Attacks, Digital Signal Processing, Digital Signal Processing 77 (2018) 48–62
- M. Semerci, A. T. Cemgil, B. Sankur, An Intelligent Cyber Security System Against DDoS Attacks in SIP Networks, Computer Networks, Volume 136 (2018) 137-154
- S.M.E. Sahraeian,, M.A. Akhaee, B. Sankur, F. Marvasti, Information Hiding with Maximum Likelihood Detector for Correlated Signals, Digital Signal Processing, 36, 144-155, 2015
- M. Yamac, C. Dikici, and B. Sankur. Hiding data in compressive sensed measurements: A conditionally reversible data hiding scheme for compressively sensed measurements. Digital Signal Processing 48 (2016): 188-200
- M. A. Akhaee, S. M. E. Sahraeian, F. Marvasti, B. Sankur, Robust Scaling-Based Image Watermarking Using Maximum-Likelihood Decoder with Optimum Strength Factor, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 11(5), 822-833, August 2009
- H.M. Meral, E. Sevinç, B. Sankur, A. S. Özsoy, T. Güngör, Natural Language Watermarking via Morphosyntactic Alterations, Computer Speech and Language, 23, 107-125, 2009
- O. Çeliktutan, B. Sankur, I. Avcıbaş, Blind Identification of Source Cell-phone Model, IEEE Trans. Information Security and Forensics, IEEE IFS-3, 553-566, September 2008
- S. Bayram, I. Avcıbaş, B. Sankur, Nasir Memon, Image Manipulation Detection, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 15(4), Oct-Dec. 2006
- H. Özer, B. Sankur, N. Memon, I. Avcıbaş, Detection of Audio Covert Channels using Statistical Footprints of Hidden Messages, Digital Signal Processing, 16, 389-401, 2006
- B. Coskun, B. Sankur, N. Memon, Spatio-Temporal Transform-Based Video Hashing, IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, 8(6), 1190-1208, 2006
- H. Özer, B. Sankur, N. Memon, E. Anarım, Perceptual Audio Hashing Functions, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing 2005:12, 1–14
- Bastug, B. Sankur, Improving the Payload of Watermarking Channels via LDPC Coding, IEEE Signal Proc. Letters, 11(2), 90-92, February 2004
- O. Ekici, B. Sankur, B. Coskun, U. Naci, M. Akcay, Comparative Assessment of Semifragile Watermarking Methods, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 13(1), 209-216, January 2004
- I. Avcibas, B. Sankur, N. Memon, Steganalysis of Watermarking and Steganographic Techniques Using Image Quality Metrics, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 12(2), 21-229, 2003
- S. Baudry, J.F. Delaigle, B. Sankur, B. Macq, H. Maitre, Analyses of Error Correction Strategies for Typical Communication Channels in Watermarking, Signal Processing, 81(6), 1239-1250, June 2001
Image and Video Processing
- S. Aslan, C. B. Akgül, B. Sankur, E. T. Tunalı, Exploring visual dictionaries: A model driven perspective, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 49 (2017) 315–331
- O. Dai, B. Demir, B. Sankur, L. Bruzzone, A Novel System for Content-Based Retrieval of Single and Multi-Label High-Dimensional Remote Sensing Images, IEEE J. Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 11 (2018), 2473-2490
- Y. C. Sübakan, B. Kurt, A. T. Cemgil, B. Sankur, Probabilistic sequence clustering with spectral learning, Digital Signal Processing, 29 (2014), 1-19
- O. C. Gurol, B. Sankur, B. Acar, M. Guney, Efficient Estimation of Disparity Statistics and their Use as a Predictor for Perceived 3D Video Scene Quality, EURASIP J. on Image and Vision Processing, 2013, 2013:53
- C. B. Akgül, B. Sankur, F. Schmitt and Y. Yemez, Similarity Learning for 3D Object Retrieval using Relevance Feedback and Risk Minimization, International Journal of Computer Vision, 89, 392-407, 2010.
- H. Dutağacı, B. Sankur, Y. Yemez, Subspace building for retrieval of general 3D models, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 114 (2010), 865–886
- K. Kayabol, E. Kuruoglu, J. L. Sanz, B. Sankur, E. Salerno D. Herranz, Adaptive Langevin Sampler for Separation of t-distribution Modelled Astrophysical Maps, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 19(9), 2357-2368, 2010
- K. Kayabol, E. Kuruoglu, B. Sankur, Bayesian Separation of Images Modelled with MRFs using MCMC, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 18(5), 982-994, 2009
- C. B. Akgül, B. Sankur, F. Schmitt, Y.Yemez, 3D Model Retrieval using Probability Density-Based Shape Descriptors, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 31(6), 1117-1133, 2009
- C.B. Akgül, B. Sankur, F. Schmitt, Y. Yemez, Density-Based 3D Shape Descriptors, Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 2007, Article ID 32503
- C. Erdem Eroglu, B. Sankur, M. Tekalp, Performance Measures for Video Object Segmentation and Tracking, IEEE Image Processing, 13(7), 937-950, July 2004
- B. Sankur, M. Sezgin, A Survey Over Image Thresholding Techniques And Quantitative Performance Evaluation, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 13(1), 146-165, January, 2004
- I. Avcibas, B. Sankur, N. Memon, K. Sayood, A successively refinable lossless image coding algorithm, IEEE Trans. Communications, March 2005
- C. Erdem Eroglu, B. Sankur, M. Tekalp, Video Object Tracking with Feedback of Performance Measures, IEEE Circuit Systems and Video Processing, 13(4), 310-324, April 2003
- F. Kurugollü, B. Sankur, E. Harmanci, Image Segmentation by Relaxation Using Constraint Satisfaction Neural Network, Journal of Image and Vision Computing, 20, 483-497, 2002
- Avcibas, B. Sankur, K. Sayood, Statistical Evaluation of Image Quality Measures, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 11(2), 206-23, April 2002
- Avcibas, N. Memon, B. Sankur,, K. Sayood, Lossless and Near-Lossless Image Compression with Successive Refinement, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 9(10), 312-314, October 2002
- F. Kurugollü, B. Sankur, E. Harmanci, Multiband Image Segmentation Using Histogram Multithresholding and Fusion, Journal of Image and Vision Computing, 9(13), 915-928, 2001
- S. Oztürk, B. Sankur, T. Abak, Font Classification and Recognition in Document Images, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 10(2), 418-430, 2001
- Y. Yemez, B. Sankur, E. Anarim, A Quadratic Motion-Based Object-Oriented Video Codec, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 15, pp. 729-766, 2000
- F. Kurugollü, B. Sankur, Image Segmentation Based on Multi-Scan Constraint Satisfaction Neural Network, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 20, pp. 1553-1563, 1999
- H. Caglar, S. Güntürk, B. Sankur, E. Anarim, VQ-Adaptive Block Transform Coding of Images, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, Vol. 7, pp. 110-116, January 1998
- Y. Yemez, T. Aydin, B. Sankur, E. Anarim, Multidirectional and Multiscale Edge Detection via M-Band Wavelet Transform, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, Vol. 5, pp. 1370-1377, 1996.
- A,B
Digital Signal Processing
- M. Semerci, A. T. Cemgil, B. Sankur, Discriminative tensor decomposition with large margin, Digital Signal Processing 95 (2019) 102584
- K. Ciftci, B. Sankur, A. Akin, Y. Kahya, Multilevel Statistical Inference From Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Data During Stroop Interference, IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, 55(9), 2212-2220, 2008
- K. Ciftci, B. Sankur, Y. P. Kahya and A. Akin, Constraining the general linear model for sensible hemodynamic response function waveforms, Med Biol Eng Comput, 2008, DOI 10.1007/s11517-008-0347-6
- M. Altınkaya, B. Sankur, E. Anarım, Phase Dependence Mitigation for Autocorrelation Based Frequency Estimation, Digital Signal Processing, 18 (2008) 249–266.
- C. B. Akgül, A. Akin, B. Sankur, Extraction of Cognitive-Related Waveforms from Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Signals, Medical and Biological Engineering in Computing, 44(11), 945-958, 2006
- C. B. Akgül, B. Sankur, A. Akın, The Selection of Relevant Frequency Bands in Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 18, 67-83, 2005
- V. Valev, B. Sankur, Generalized Non-reducible descriptors, Pattern Recognition, 37, 1809-1815, 2004
- M. Altinkaya, H. Delic, B. Sankur, E. Anarim, Subspace-Based Frequency Estimation of Sinusoidal Signals in Alpha-Stable Noise, Signal Processing, 82(11), 151-171, November, 2002
- H. Caglar, S. Güntürk, E. Anarim, B. Sankur, Permutation Based Design of Orthogonal Block Transforms and Filter Banks, Multidimensional Systems and Processing, 12, 63-79, 2001
- E. C. Guler, B. Sankur, Y. P. Kahya, S. Raudys, Two-stage classification of respiratory sound patterns, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 35, 67-83, 2005
- C. Güler, B. Sankur, Y. Kahya, Visual Classification of Medical Data Using MLP Mapping, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 28, 275-287, 1998